There were 2 puppies now there are 3

By Essential IT

Viktor a Vizsla puppy at Michigan Dog Training
Viktor and Ashley
Vizsla new puppy at Michigan Dog Training


It is puppy galore at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan. As previously reported in “Puppy Training Gets Personal at MDT”, trainers Matthew Lamarand of Westland, Michigan and Erica Hensley of Canton, Michigan welcomed two puppies into their homes; Falkor, a Dutch Shepherd and Drogo, a Belgian Malinois. Now a third MDT trainer has followed suit, Ashaleena Williams of Canton, Michigan and her pup Viktor, a Vizsla. She plans to train him for obedience and dock diving. He seems a natural for many things as on his first day at MDT he surprised all of us by going up the puppy A-Frame (agility obstacle) on his own. So Ashley decided to work on his decent from the obstacle as pictured below. Nice job Ashley.  You’re off to a great start with Viktor!

Be sure to check out our puppy training classes. It’ll be a fun time to not only get your puppy trained but also to train alongside our dog trainers and their puppies. And, check out more pictures of Viktor on the Michigan Dog Training Facebook page.





Puppy training,  Michigan Dog Training
Viktor transverses the A-Frame


On Key

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