Testimonial – “Thank you for everything”

By Essential IT

On March 12, 2012, the Michigan Dog Trainer received this lovely email from Laurel updating us on her dog Rosie.  We worked with them in the winter of 2010 via in-home training sessions.  At that time, Rosie was a bouncing and jumping 7 month old puppy who also pulled hard on the leash during walks.  She learned how to follow her owners on a loose leash, come when called when off-leash, to sit instead of jump on people and to go to a pre-determined place on cue.

We love hearing updates of dog’s we have worked with in the past.  It is so satisfying to know of the dogs’ progress and that they continue to be a cherished family member. In part her email, it reads:


“Thank you for everything. We have a nicely trained 65 pound dog (Goldendoodle) that everyone enjoys because she’s so well behaved.” ….Laurel of W. Bloomfield, Michigan


On Key

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