New CGC Stars- Great Dane, Bernese Mountain Dog and an All American dog

By Essential IT

Canine Good Citizen
New CGC Stars


150_cgcpatch.jpgOn Saturday November 16, 2013, three dogs and their handlers successfully passed the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluation at Michigan Dog Training LLC (MDT).  The evaluator was Wendy Bemis, MDT Certified Dog Trainer. The successful dog teams were:

1. Rosemary Ellinger and her dog Nemo an All American mix breed dog from Canton, Michigan

2. Alexandra Jagger and her dog Molly Muterko, a Bernese Mountain Dog of Plymouth, Michigan and

3. Rose Stachauski and her dog Smokey, a Great Dane mix of Westland, Michigan.

The CGC evaluation has ten components to test the dog team’s obedience in the presence of a crowd and other dogs. Congrats to all! They are now entitled to receive a CGC title from the AKC and are able to use the initials “CGC” behind their dog’s name to signify their accomplishment. To learn how your dog can earn its CGC title, contact Michigan Dog Training by calling 734-634-4152.


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