Michigan Dog Training, Plymouth, Michigan, dog aggression, dog aggression rehab, dog aggression rehabilitation

Dog training testimonial – Bernadette Brosky

By Essential IT

Michigan Dog Training, Plymouth, Michigan, dog aggression, dog aggression rehab, dog aggression rehabilitationOn December 14, 2016 Bernadette Brosky and her dog Sunshine, a Border-Aussie mix completed four private training sessions at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan with flying colors. Sunshine started training because she was afraid of other dogs and thus showed reactive aggressive behavior toward them. It was the only way she knew how to keep her self safe. Through behavior modification training (desensitization, socialization and obedience training), she learned new skills and that it was actually fun to play with other dogs.  Great job Sunshine and Bernadette!

Bernadette provided this wonderful testimonial: “Hi my name is Bernadette Brosky and this is Sunshine, a Border Aussie mix. We adopted her from a rescue, a year old. We don’t know herMichigan Dog Training, dog play, dog aggression, Plymouth, Michigan background but when she came to us she was very dog reactive aggressive and we turned to Michigan Dog Training. She has done a great job and she’s been playing with dogs and loves it. She’s going to kennel here at the end of the year and we are very pleased. So thanks!”

It’s a true pleasure and our passion to see the change in dogs so that they can experience a fulfilled life with their committed families.  Take a look at the video below to see how much fun Sunshine has playing with other dogs now. If you need help with your dog, please give us a call at 734-634-4152.


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