Dog no longer charges house guests

By Essential IT

Kelly and Gambit

Kelly L. called the Michigan Dog Trainer because her dog Gambit, a German Shepherd use to charge house guests at the front door. He was fearful of strangers and was trying to make them go away in the only way he knew how to do.

At the first session, Gambit was held by a leash on the other side of a gate to keep him from charging the front door area.  A muzzle was also temporarily used to ensure safety.

In the last session, Gambit was off leash, he didn’t bark when the door bell rang, he maintained the “place command”, he was much more relaxed when being petted by me and he even started to go to “place” upon hearing the doorbell ring without being told to do so. Additionally, Kelly reported Gambit was much more relaxed when house guests recently visited her home.

Take a look at how well Gambit has progressed.  This is due to Kelly’s commitment to training Gambit.  He is very lucky to have her in his life!  Nice job Kelly and Gambit!


On Key

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