dog trainer

Michigan Dog Training

1031 Cherry Street

Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Diabetic Alert Dog puppy earns CGC title

By Essential IT



On June 1, 2014 “LADY”, a Standard Poodle and Diabetic Alert Dog in training earned her Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title. The CGC is an American Kennel Club (AKC) title that shows the dog can be  a good citizen in the community because it is friendly toward other dogs and people, can walk amongst a crowd of strangers, walk on a loose leash, come when called, stay on a sit or down while the handler walks 20 feet away, politely greet friendly strangers, etc.

Lady is pictured here with her trainer and foster mom, Kalin Turri of Canton, Michigan. Lady is only five months old but is doing excellent on her obedience skills, public access work and scent work.  She will be available to go to her forever working home (with a Diabetic) when she is one year old. She has not yet been matched with a Diabetic. For more information contact Michigan Dog Training  call 734-892-1447. Congrats Lady, you’re awesome!!


On Key

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