Community Canines earn their titles 10/28/13 at Michigan Dog Training

By Essential IT

akc-community-canine-logoOn October 28, 2013 four dogs became Community Canines by earning their American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) titles at Michigan Dog Training LLC in Plymouth, Michigan. They are:

  1. Jennifer King and her dog Rock Candy Ranger, a German Shorthaired Pointer of Milford, Michigan.
  2. Jennifer King and her dog Masaya’s Chiefess Sakima, a Doberman Pinscher of Milford, Michigan.
  3. Wendy Bemis and her dog Fleetwood, a Beauceron of Grosse Ile, Michigan.
  4. Michael Burkey and his dog Starbuck Von Burkey, a German Shepherd of Westland, Michigan.

Congrats to all!  To learn how your dog can earn their Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) title, contact Michigan Dog Training LLC call 734-634-4152.


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