dog trainer

Michigan Dog Training

1031 Cherry Street

Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Bullmastiff Earns CGC

By Essential IT

Bullmastiff, CGC, Canine Good Citizen, Michigan Dog Training, Plymouth, Michigan
Seamus, CGC
Bullmastiff, Michigan Dog Training, Plymouth, Michigan canine good citizen, cgc, mdt
Seamus and Andrew

On March 26, 2015, Seamus a Bullmastiff and his owner Andrew Martin of Whitmore Lake, Michigan earned the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan. Andrew first came to training because Seamus was fearful of other dogs. Through private dog training lessons with Michael Burkey, Seamus gained the confidence he needed to be able to relax around other dogs, not be afraid of his grandfather’s walker, and to take walks in downtown districts. Seamus is now able to go more places and enjoy life like he should with his buddy Andrew.

In May, Seamus and Andrew will return to MDT to take the Intermediate Manners dog training class to prepare for the Advanced Canine Good Citizen title. We are certain Seamus will pass that with flying colors as well.  Congrats to Seamus and Andrew for their excellent work together!


On Key

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