On May 9, 2014 Michael Burkey, President and Dog Behaviorist for Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan was accepted into the Ann Arbor Referral Business Alliance chapter of BNI, a business and professional networking organization. BNI has thousands of chapters world-wide and its members focus on face-to-face, word-of-mouth advertising and marketing, which are widely accepted as one of the best and most cost effective ways to attract new customers especially to small and mid-sized local businesses. BNI members adhere to a business code of ethics that includes honesty in all of it’s sales, advertising and marketing. AARB’s Mission Statement is to: “Help people increase their business through a structured, positive, and supportive word of mouth marketing program.”
For more information about the Ann Arbor Referral Business Alliance chapter of BNI, contact Christopher Juillet at 734-827-9450 or chris@cjplc.com, or visit the group’s website at www.RBAAnnArbor.com.