Testimonial – Dog reactive to having play dates

By Essential IT

Michigan Dog Training, German Shepherd, reactive dog, Plymouth, Michigan
On January 11, 2015, Michigan Dog Training received a wonderful update on Michigan Dog Training’s Facebook page regarding Maria’s dog TJ, a very loveable and high energy German Shepherd.  TJ graduated from our Dog Day School program and has been a frequent visitor at MDT since. Here is what Maria had to say:
“You won’t believe who met a new friend at the park today! He played so well with Miss Mina that we setup a date for them next weekend. What a great start to the new year. 🙂 We couldn’t do it without you guys!”…..Maria E. Strong
Thanks Maria.  It is a true joy and honor to see the transformation that MDT dogs make when they go from being dog reactive to being able to and enjoy playing with other dogs.  And, his success is attributable to your commitment and love for him. Thanks for the update!
Then later after this post was published, Maria had this to add:
This weekend ended up with a 5 dog pack playing and getting along at the park! Watching the big goof run and chase was a jaw dropping great moment. We know it won’t always be this easy to get along with every dog, but it has very empowering for me and confidence building for TJ. I can never ever repay you for the joy of seeing him PLAY like that.”



On Key

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