dog trainer

Michigan Dog Training

1031 Cherry Street

Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Rex, German Shepherd earns three titles working with Michigan Dog Training LLC

By Essential IT

Michigan dog training, michigan dog trainer
Trish and Rex

Michael Burkey, President and head dog trainer at Michigan Dog Training LLC recently received a very nice testimonial from Trish Schoomer.  She and her dog, Rex, a German Shepherd recently traveled from Ohio to work with us. They completed an intensive two-day training program and earned their Canine Good Citizen title and two trick titles; Novice and Intermediate.  They worked hard and it was a pleasure working with them. Burkey is a Canine Good Citizen evaluator for the American Kennel Club and an Associate Trick Dog Instructor for Kyra Sundance’s “Do More With Your Dog” program.

  ” My dog, Rex, earned 3 titles after working a day and a half with the Michigan Dog Trainer. Amazing!”….Trish Schoomer of Dayton, Ohio


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