Puppies are Stars at MDT

By Essential IT

otonColorsTMagAd9-06On June 23, 2015 five puppies who completed the Ultimate Puppy group class (Pup 1 followed by Pup 2 group classes) at Michigan Dog Training (MDT) in Plymouth, Michigan earned their American Kennel Club (AKC) STAR (Socialization, Training, Activity, Responsibility) Puppy certificate.  The STAR program measures the owner’s responsible behaviors in raising a puppy, the puppy’s temperament behaviors (free of aggression and fear) and the puppy’s Pre-Canine Good Citizen behaviors which includes:

  1. Allows petting by a person other than the owner
  2. Grooming – allows owner handling and brief exam by owner (ears, feet)
  3. Walks on a leash – follows owner for 15 feet or more in a straight line
  4. Walks by other people
  5. Sits on command
  6. Downs on command
  7. Comes to owner from five feet away
  8. Reaction to distractions without fear or aggression and
  9. Stays on leash with another person while owner walks ten feet away and returns

Congratulations to the owners and their STAR puppies!

  • Alexa Rickert and Reggie, Beagle of Canton, Michigan
  • Michael King and Olive, Labrador Retriever mix of Northville, Michigan
  • Satheesh Rajagopalan and Groot, Australian Shepherd mix of Canton, Michigan
  • Kathy Borden and Louie, Bolognese of Ann Arbor, Michigan and
  • Parul Luthra and Neo, Cockapoo of Westland, Michigan

MDT offers on-going Puppy 1 and Puppy 2 group socialization and training classes. Each class is four weeks in duration. Or, students can elect to sign up for the Ultimate Puppy program which includes Puppy 1 and Puppy 2 classes at a $60 discount. The next set of puppy classes begin July 7, 2015. For those who completed Puppy 2 or the Ultimate Puppy, they normally are ready to jump ahead to the Intermediate Manners class which also begins July 7, 2015.


On Key

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