dog trainer

Michigan Dog Training

1031 Cherry Street

Plymouth, Michigan 48170

Canine Good Citizen, CGC, CGC testing

Nov 2017, E-Collar Class Graduates earn CGC

By Essential IT

Canine Good Citizen, CGC, CGC testing


On November 29, 2017 at the conclusion of the E-Collar Excellence group class at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan; three dog teams earned their Canine Good Citizen title.  Congratulations to the following teams:

  1. Shannon Denton and Luna, a Labrador Retriever of Canton, Michigan.
  2. Shannon Denton and Marleigh, a Collie mix of Canton, Michigan
  3. Theresa Williams and Riley Williams, a Pit Bull Terrier of Ann Arbor, Michigan

Canine Good Citizen, CGC, Michigan Dog Training, E-Collar trainingMichigan Dog Training, E-Collar, E-Collar training, Canine Good Citizen, CGC


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