New CGC Stars, August 24, 2012

By Essential IT


On August 24, 2012, six Michigan Dog Trainer students passed the American Kennel Club‘s Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluation at the Humane Society of Huron Valley  (HSHV) in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The CGC is a ten step evaluation showing the dog is able to be under the handler’s control and show basic good manners such as knowing basic obedience commands, walking on a loose leash, meeting other dog teams appropriately, etc. Michael Burkey is a professional dog trainer and an AKC CGC evaluator.

Currently, the CGC  is a certificate program.  Starting after January 1, 2013, CGC  graduates are eligible to contact the CGC department and ask their certificate to be upgraded to a title accompanied by the appropriate fee. Starting in January, the CGC will become an official AKC title and handlers may place the initials “CGC” after the dog’s name.

Congratulations to the recipients listed below:

1. Kalie Wisler and Rocco, lab mix of Ypsilanti, Michigan

2. Kathy Patten and Lilly, a Coton of Saline, Michigan

3. Jay Young and Harper, Lab of Ypsilanti, Michigan

4. Kevin Freeman and Elvis, Husky/Hound mix of Ann Arbor, Michigan

5. Katherine Seaman and Charlie, Long Haired Dachshund of Ann Arbor, Michigan

Additionally, several 0f the above students also earned their Novice Trick Dog (NTD) title through Kyra Sundance‘s Trick Dog tilting program, “Do More With Your Dog” for which Michael Burkey is an Associate Trick Dog Instructor for Sundance. To earn your dog’s CGC or NTD, view the Advanced Manners and Circus Dog classes held at HSHV.



On Key

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