Freddy, Beagle Mix Learns to Recall Off Leash

By Essential IT

Freddy and Kathleen

Freddy, a Beagle mix came to the Michigan Dog Trainer’s board and train program to learn to come when called off leash, to heel nicely, not to barge out the front door, not to jump on guests and to learn other basic obedience commands.  Previously, it was difficult to take him places because he constantly pulled on the leash and if he escaped out the door, he would not come when called.  Additionally, Freddy’s family wanted to be able to take him with them during trips to northern Michigan.

The training consisted of four weeks board and train.  During that time, Freddy learned basic obedience commands to include working off leash.  He enjoyed his time with Michael and his dogs as he was able to have frequent play sessions along with training time.  He also visited many interesting parks and other locations.

Toward the end of training, Freddy practiced his new skills at Parkridge Creek Mall in Clinton Township, Michigan on Black Friday no less.  Yes it was crowded but Freddy performed well and he was a joy to work with.  Be sure to watch the video to the end, to see Freddy at Parkridge Creek and later reuniting with his mom.



On Key

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