CGC Star and Novice Trick Dog Kiaya

By Essential IT



Michelle Baum and Kiaya, CGC, NTD

Michigan Dog Trainer congratulates Michelle Baum of Farmington Hills, Michigan.  OnAugust 7, 2012, she and her Labrador Retriever puppy Kiaya passed the American Kennel Club‘s (AKC) Canine Good Citizen (CGC) evaluation. The CGC test is a ten item evaluation demonstrating responsible dog ownership and good dog manners. Additionally, they demonstrated more than 15 dog tricks they had learned during in-home dog training sessions with professional dog trainer Michael Burkey. This enabled them to earn a Novice Trick Dog Title via Kyra Sundance‘s Do More With Your Dog program. Burkey is an Associate Trick Dog Instructor for Sundance.

Baum is raising Kiaya to be a well mannered and confident puppy with the goal of becoming a Certified Therapy Dog. They are well on there way of accomplishing that goal. Once again, congratulations Michelle and Kiaya!



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