Border Collie Passes Therapy Dog Test

By Essential IT

cgc, canine good citizen, Michael Burkey, Michigan Dog Trainer, therapy dog, border collie, remote collar, ecollar, e-collar, shock collar
Maggie and Shelly

Maggie, a border collie mix and Shelly H. of Northville, Michigan recently completed in-home dog training and group classes.  They  not only earned their Canine Good Citizen (CGC) certificate but also recently passed their Therapy Dog Test.  Maggie and Shelly used clear, consistent and humane training techniques utilizing food and ball rewards, verbal and physical praise and remote collar training.  Nice job Shelly!  I’m so happy for you and proud of your work, love, and commitment to Maggie!  Below is an email I received from Shelly today.

“Maggie just passed her Therapy Dog test and her first observation.  2 more
observations and then I can register her as a therapy dog.

The tester said that she wanted to write “perfect” on the form.

Thanks so much for all of your help and advice.  You’ve really helped
us to make a great dog even better! …….Shelly H. of Northville, Michigan


On Key

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