Puppy Nosework

By Essential IT

Puppy training, Nosework, Puppy Nosework, Michigan Dog TrainingNosework is a fun sport for dogs of all ages including puppies. Watch Jelly, a 12 week old Beagle in the video below show you just how fun it is. This was her very first lesson.Nosework, Beagle, Michigan Dog Training, puppy training

She is being trained through free shaping to indicate on a target odor. In this case, the odor is Birch Oil. The United Kennel Club offers Nosework competitions whereas dogs search containers, interior rooms, exterior areas, and vehicles for five different scents. You and your puppy can do it just for fun or to eventually compete at Nosework trials.

By free shaping, Jelly discovers that if she goes near and later sniffs a target odor it will result in hearing a click from a clicker that she was correct and she can come get her reward, a tasty treat. We started off with just one pod that she had to search which was later increased to two pods and finally three pods. This caused her to differentiate between the correct pod and the other two that didn’t contain a scent.

In the end, she actually did a search of all three pods to find the target odor.  Now that’s an awesome puppy! To join a Nosework dog training class, contact Michigan Dog Training at 734-634-4152.




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