On October 14, 2013, “Kaboom” du Loups du Soleil trained by Michael Burkey, President of Michigan Dog Training (MDT) LLC in Plymouth, Michigan earned his United Nosework Pre Trial 1, 2, 3, & 5 titles. The Pre Trials are set up to determine if a dog can recognize certain odors and show a focused response to the location of those odors.
Each odor (birch, anise, clove, myrrh and vetiver) is placed in one box of twelve identical boxes, one row at a time. The handler must then call the alert to signify to the judge that the odor has been found within a three minute time limit. Upon earning the Pre-Trial title for a specific odor, a dog team can participate in trials were the odor will be hidden in a room, an outdoor area, and on a vehicle.
Kaboom was bred by Michael Ellis of Loups du Soleil, Working Belgian Malinois in Fairfield, California.
Nosework is a relatively new dog sport. The United Kennel Club (UKC) will soon take over the Nosework trials and grandfather in the titles already earned through the United Nosework organization. To learn more, Michigan Dog Training teaches Nosework group dog training classes in Plymouth, Michigan. Dogs are taught to recognize odor very quickly as the way to obtain their reward such as a ball, toy, or food treats. Burkey teaches the classes who is an expert in scent detection having trained and handled police service detection dogs and search and rescue dogs.
Another Nosework dog class will start January 6, 2014. To learn more, contact Amy, Program Coordinator and Client Support Specialist at 734-634-4152.