Robin MacFarlane, an international remote collar training expert of That’s My Dog, Dubuque, Iowa has created a new Facebook page entitled, I LOVE MY E-COLLAR AND SO DOES MY DOG! Dog owners can post stories on the Facebook page explaining how a remote collar has helped their dog.
There is much misinformation being spread by those who are not trained on how to properly use a remote collar at a low setting that just gets the dog’s attention. They try to scare people into thinking that remote collars hurt dogs, hence their preference to refer to them as “shock collars.” However, this is an inaccurate representation of the current day remote collar system. Every client I train with a remote collar describes the sensation as a tingling sensation and certainly not painful. It’s an excellent communication tool used as part of a comprehensive professional dog training program, like tapping your dog on the shoulder to get their attention.
MacFarlane states, “I created this FB page as a way to provide support for those individuals that choose a remote collar as part of their dog’s training. My intent is not to promote this tool as the magic pill that solves all dog problems, but I do hope to stem the tide of misinformation that is being widely spread by a small group of individuals who lack the experience and first hand knowledge to provide a fair analysis of this type of training. People who use remote collars are being labeled as lacking in empathy and punishment based in their philosophy of how dog’s should be trained. The dogs are being characterized as scared, fearful and abused. These emotive statements are completely without merit and their intent is to sway the unknowing into signing petitions to ban these tools.
The reality is that remote collars have been around for many years. Their effectiveness, when used properly, have helped millions of dogs have better quality lives through improving the communication and relationship with their owners. The time has come for these owners to tell their stories. If we are not heard, the noisy minority will persevere and take away this valuable training aid. It will be just like the uninformed breed bans plaguing so many communities today. I am urging dog owner’s and dog professionals alike to please speak up through their support of this page. “

Examples of the benefits of remote collar training include the dogs pictured here: Wilbur and JoeJoe. Wilbur was reactive toward other dogs and loud noises such as trucks and buses. Now, he joins group dog hikes as a calm and peaceful walker. Prior to coming to Michael Burkey’s Michigan Dog Trainer, an anti-remote collar trainer labeling herself as “purely positive”, recommended that JoeJoe be put down due to misinterpreted dog and people aggression. However, JoeJoe wasn’t aggressive at all. He was instead hyper and anxious. Via the use of a remote training collar, he learned how to self impose calmness. He now enjoys nature hikes with his owners and eagerly welcomes visitors to their home. Remote training collars can train dogs humanely, quickly and effectively. To learn more about their benefits, please visit: