Casey, a Golden Retriever went from being reactive toward other dogs to earning an Advanced Canine Good Citizen (CGCA) title at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan. On September 13, 2014, Rose and John Clark and their dog Greystone Crooked Lake Casey (CASEY) of Brighton, Michigan; passed the CGCA title administered by Michael Burkey, President and Dog Behaviorist at MDT.
The CGCA is an advance title that goes above and beyond the Canine Good Citizen (CGC) title. The evaluation further tests the dog teams ability to handle stress of crowded environments such as passing other dogs teams in a hallway without visiting or being reactive, sitting or laying down within three feet of other dogs, walking on a loose leash within two feet of other dogs, siting rather than barging out doorways while her owner carries a cup of water and more. Congrats to Rose, John and Casey! To learn how your dog can earn their Advanced Canine Good Citizen title, contact Michigan Dog Training at 734-634-4152.