German Shepherd breezes through Canine Good Citizen Advanced evaluation

By Essential IT

Michigan Dog Training, Canine Good Citizen Advanced
Shyann and Ziva CGCA


On November 27, 2013, a German Shepherd named Ziva trained and handled by Shyann R. Hilla breezed through the American Kennel Club (AKC) Canine Good Citizen Advanced (CGCA) evaluation at Michigan Dog Training LLC. And breeze through she should as she is a service dog. The CGCA tests a dog teams ability to maneuver amongst other dog teams in a crowd, in a crowded hallway, laying down within three feet of each other, leave food alone on the floor when told to do so, have a stranger approach carrying a bag and allow petting from the stranger, come when called despite distractions, and enter and exit a doorway while carrying a cup of liquid without pulling or the handler spilling the liquid as well as other obedience commands.

MDT K9 Campers (who are in for training and/or boarding) helped out with the test as distraction dogs.  They were Teddy a Goldendoodle, Sabrina a Golden Retriever, and Starbuck a German Shepherd. They not only provided distractions but also maintained a sit/down stay without three feet of Ziva without going to visit during the stay command.

Congratulations to Shyann and her dog Ziva Nano Vom Hilla, German Shepherd Dog of Harrison, Michigan!

Contact Michigan Dog Training at 734-634-4152 to learn how your dog can earn its’ CGC and CGCA AKC Titles.  MDT offers private dog training and group dog training classes and evaluations for pet dogs and service dogs.

Canine Good Citizen Advanced, Michigan Dog Training
Entering doorway without pulling and handler holding cup of water.



On Key

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