French Police K9 Hero, Diesel killed by ISIS

By Essential IT

Belgian Malinois, Michigan Dog Training, Police K9, Police Canine, French Police K9, Diesel, Dog fights ISIS, Hero Police Dog Diesel killed by woman suicide bomber in Paris siegeIn the early morning of November 18, 2015, Diesel, a French Police K9 died as a hero during a police raid on a known terrorist hiding place. He was killed by a woman suicide bomber when French special forces raided an apartment building in Saint-Denis, France. Diesel was a 7 year old Belgian Malinois trained to detect explosives was apparently the first to be sent into the apartment to assess the level of danger.

Seven explosions occurred during the raid in addition to the suicide bomber. Seven arrests were made and at least four officers were wounded. The suicide bomber was believed to be the cousin and/or Jihadi bride of the ringleader, Abaaoud, of last Friday nights’ horrific terrorist attack in France.  Police believe he was in the apartment building prior to the raid. However, his fate is yet unknown. Diesel was a member of France’s RAID Unit, an anti-terrorist police unit. Read more and view pictures of Diesel.

Kaboom and Michigan Dog Training pay respect to Diesel, everyone who fight the evil ISIS and those families affected by the horrors of terrorism.


On Key

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