Michigan Dog Training, Service Dog, Diabetic Alert Dog, CGCA , Advanced Canine Good Citizen, Plymouth, Michigan

Dash earns CGCA title

By Essential IT

Michigan Dog Training, Service Dog, Diabetic Alert Dog, CGCA , Advanced Canine Good Citizen, Plymouth, MichiganOn November 26, 2016, Dasher Inglis (Dash) a Golden Doodle and Service Dog – Diabetic Alert Dog in training earned her Advanced Canine Good Citizen title at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan. Congrats to Dash and her parents!

Dash and her parents are participating in MDT’s Train Your Own Service Dog program and is doing extremely well.  She has already alerted on her mom’s low blood sugar level in real life applications. As part of that training, Dash has also learned to retrieve her mom’s emergency kit should she need to self medicate.


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