Burkey gives dog bite prevention tips to Detroit UPS Drivers
On September 2, 2015 Michael Burkey CEO and Dog Behaviorist at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan gave Dog Bite Prevention Tips to 40
Plymouth, Michigan 48170
4.6 107 reviews
On September 2, 2015 Michael Burkey CEO and Dog Behaviorist at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan gave Dog Bite Prevention Tips to 40
On July 8, 2015 Michael Burkey CEO and Dog Behaviorist at Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan gave Dog Bite Prevention Tips to 40 United
The above picture is making the rounds on Facebook and the pic is just fine; the dog was painted with a non-toxic paint for dogs.
“What is the best way to introduce two dogs together”? This is a very common question asked of dog trainers. What isn’t asked frequently is,
On June 27, 2014, Michael Burkey, President of Michigan Dog Training in Plymouth, Michigan gave a dog training demonstration and safety talk at the Referral
When dogs become nervous or unsure of other dogs, people or other triggers; they will show various stress relieving behaviors. Some of these behaviors may
Feisty Fidos are “yellow light” dogs who are safe with people but show some reactivity toward other dogs making it difficult to take them to
Unfortunately, not everyone whom walks their dog in public places takes the time and commitment to participate in dog training. Case in point, one day
“Every year, more than 4.7 million Americans are bitten by dogs, with more than half of all victims younger than age 14,” according to the
Book an appointment now so Michael and his personally trained team can help you achieve your dreams.