Bernese Mountain Dog and Malese/Yorkie mix puppies become AKC Star Puppies

By Essential IT

michigan dog training
AKC Star Puppies Rudy and Lucy!

On June 8, 2013 two cuddly and adorable puppies successfully completed the American Michigan Dog TrainingKennel Club (AKC) STAR Puppy evaluation and program at Michigan Dog Training LLC (MDT) in Plymouth, Michigan.  Wendy Bemis, Michigan Dog Training’s Dog Trainer, taught the Puppy Socialization class and Michael Burkey, Dog Behaviorist and President of MDT conducted the evaluation.

The STAR Puppies and parents are:

1. Beth Stefani and Rudy, Maltese/Yorkie mix from Saline, Michigan

2. Mark Chadwick and Lucy, Bernese Mountain Dog from Gregory, Michigan

The AKC describes the program as such: “The AKC STAR Puppy (socialization, training, activity, and responsibility) is an exciting program designed to get dog owners and their puppies off to a good start.  The AKC STAR Puppy Program is an incentive program for loving dog owners who have taken the time to take their puppies through a basic training class.”

MDT offers puppy socialization and training classes to help puppies and owners get off on the right paw and a new class will start on Saturday June 15, 2013 at 9:00 a.m.  To take part, bring your hungry 10-16 week old puppy to MDT at 1031 Cherry Street, Plymouth, Michigan 48170 along with verification of vaccinations and negative fecal check for parasites. The class is only $57.00. Email MDT at for more information.

Lucy checking out the wobbleboard for strength and balance
Lucy checking out the wobbleboard for strength and balance
Lucy learning to use her core muscles on the peanut to develop strength and balance.
Lucy learning to use her core muscles on the peanut to develop strength and balance.
Rudy checking out a moving surface, the doggie treadmill for socialization purposes.
Rudy checking out a moving surface, the doggie treadmill for socialization purposes.
Rudy learning to change positions from a sit to a down on the peanut to develop core muscle strength and balance.
Rudy learning to change positions from a sit to a down on the peanut to develop core muscle strength and balance.
Rudy come!
Rudy come!
Rudy learning to go through a tunnel.
Rudy learning to go through a tunnel.
Rudy learning to go to "place" on a dog scale.
Rudy learning to go to “place” on a dog scale.
Rudy learning to walk with his mom on a loose leash.
Rudy learning to walk with his mom on a loose leash.
Rudy learning to balance on a wobbleboard.
Rudy learning to balance on a wobbleboard.
Lucy learning to stretch her core muscles on the peanut
Lucy learning to stretch her core muscles on the peanut
Rudy and Lucy having fun chasing each other through a tunnel.
Rudy and Lucy having fun chasing each other through a tunnel.
Lucy come!
Lucy come!


On Key

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